For the past 26 years, we’ve made it our mission to encourage, award, and publish writers and poets.
New Millennium Writings was launched with a 15-word classified ad in 1996. From those humble beginnings NMW has exploded into an internationally recognized and highly sought-after literary award and journal.
Submitted to by poets and writers from more than 50 countries, first-time awarded and first-time-published-in-print distinctions remain commonplace here.
Our launch of Musepaper and Sunshot Press has expanded opportunities for writers even further. In its inaugural year, Sunshot Press published four books. All have garnered wide attention and praise, including a PEN America Longlist distinction and multiple Finalist awards. Musepaper just released its first anthology and has awarded more than forty new Musepaper Prizes.
Every success we have drives us back to our core mission: discover, encourage, and award remarkable writing from new and emerging writers.
We look forward to reading what it is that you have to write.
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